Infant massage is a wonderful tool taught to caregivers that help to promote a happy, healthy developing little ones. It ensures many benefits for the baby, as well as the caregiver. Integrating nurturing touch at a young age helps with overall development, reduces sickness and crying, can help establish social skills and recognizing healthy boundaries. Massage is just as beneficial for caregivers. Massage helps with bonding and understanding non-verbal cues. Massaging your little one can help build confidence and create relaxing interaction. As the caregiver becomes more relaxed, the baby picks up on this creating an overall blissful bonding time.
When should my baby receive Infant Massage?
Infant massage can start as early as 3 weeks old and continue well into toddler age and beyond. As for when in the day is appropriate for your little one to receive massage, the answer is when they tell you its OK. Massage paves the way for a caregiver to better understand their child with non verbal communication. Infant massage teaches you how to ask for your child's permission to massage them and set up appropriate touch boundaries.
"Massage is simple in terms of technique, yet powerful in what it conveys: your love, understanding, and attention."
-Dr. Alan Heath
Who can preform Infant Massage?
Massage is not limited to a single caregiver. It is a wonderful thing for any parent to participate. Anyone directly involved with raising your baby is welcome to attend class. It is actually encouraged. Maybe you have a caregiver that spends less one-on-one time with the child, this is great for them because it allows them the opportunity to bond and grow with their child. Other young children may find this fun and want to participate in either giving or receiving. Massage time can and should be a whole family activity.
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